PrePaid Course Registration
PrePaid Course Registration
Please use this registration option if you have already PRE-PAID for a Course.
Please choose the course you would like to take in the form.
At this time, no refunds are available once you have signed up.
To carry over a course that you can’t attend, you will have 3 months to transfer to another course and a fee of $50.00 will be assessed.
All registrations must be made through this website (no mail-in registration). Click the link below. Call if you need assistance: 417-545-1168.
Class sizes are limited to a minimum of 4 students and a maximum of 8 students. If we don’t fill the minimum, you will be contacted and have to change to a different date. Please have one person be the main trainer for the whole family. All children under 18 must be accompany by a parent or adult.
You must bring your dog’s vaccination record to class, updated within the last six months. It is strongly recommended that you include the new two-part flu vaccine (H3N8 and H3N2 for Canine Influenza and Intranasal Kennel Cough). Completed 10 days before class starts . No one will be allowed into class without proof . Proof can be emailed or text to 417-545-1168
All courses will be held at our facility located behind Animal Ark Veterinary Hospital, 3515 Lawrence Street, Clemmons, NC. Park in the lot across the street, proceed up the driveway behind the hospital, classes are upstairs. See map below.